Charity Donations for Iwate

■ Charity Donations for Iwate

Those who want to make a direct contribution to Iwate Prefectural victims and affected areas from overseas can make a bank transfer to the following location.

at-link.gif Bank Transfer Account Information

Bank (JPN: 銀行名) The Bank of Iwate, Ltd(JPN: 岩手銀行)
Branch Kencho Branch(JPN: 県庁支店)
Branch No. 009
Account No. 009-2016634
Beneficiary’s Name (JPN: 口座名義) Iwate Prefecture Disaster Relief Charity Committee
(JPN: 岩手県災害義援金募集委員会)
Beneficiary’s address/ Phone Number
(JPN: 住所/電話番号)
Japan, Iwate-ken, Morioka-shi, Uchimaru 10-1
Office of Health and Welfare Planning
Iwate Prefectural Government
Phone : +81-19-629-5408

(However, please remember that there may be bank charges involved with transferring money overseas)

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For those that require a receipt for their charitable donation, please download the following form : 【Form:The Issuance of Receipts for Bank Transfers】

Fill out your address, name, transfer account information, and amount of money donated. Then send that form by mail, fax, or email to the Office of Health and Welfare Planning of the Iwate Government (the address is written below).

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We will form a separate committee that will decide how to distribute charity funds.

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Iwate Prefecture Disaster Relief Charity Committee
〒020-8570 Iwate-ken, Morioka-shi, Uchimaru 10-1
Office of Health and Welfare Planning, Iwate Prefectural Government
TEL 019-629-5408  FAX 019-629-5419